Lathi's Tears
Asia Walkabout
24 November, 1997 - 14 March, 1998
Written by
Seán Connolly
On 24 November, 1997, an abrupt change of plans found me on a plane to Asia.

These pages contain my journals from my second solo walkabout through Asia. This trip was completely unexpected, but over the course of four months, I managed to travel through Singapore, Thailand, and Nepal, updating this site from internet cafés along the way. My travel style was at the budget level, but thanks to the struggling Asian economy at the time I visited, I enjoyed a higher than basic level of comfort.

After it was all over, I added photos, maps, and other pieces. Enjoy!

For more travelogues and writings by me, including The Great Out There, go to my home page,
Gone Walkabout Homepage

©Copyright 1996-2001 Seán Connolly